Budslife CBD

Alternative Medical Treatment

 CBD Patches, Hemp Oil Patches, CBD Oil Patches, CBD Patches UK

Budslife CBD

Paul Street, Hoxton, London, EC2A 4NE  (Show me directions)

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  Monday to Sunday: 06:00 to 00:00



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Budslife CBD Patches

Every box of our budslife CBD patches will come with 16 CBD patches that you can use as and when you please. Each individual patch is designed to contain and release a full dose of 16mg CBD oil over a long period of time. As such, one patch can see you supplied with the CBD you need for the whole day or night.

Add it all together and our CBD patches come with an overall 256mg of CBD oil-infused right into them. As such, they're an easy way to make sure you're always in supply of CBD when you need it and it's super easy to control the dose.

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